

M^b, meet...

And yet another produce view

Deli sail

Floral produce

at your table

This might be the only Safeway I've seen with a queue for the deli

Deli and produce, with a side of flowers

An inside view of the back arch

Front end, under the arch

Classic bridge, classic truck

The slightly-pretentious use of "delicatessen" is a good fit for San Francisco

Boar's Head Delicatessen

Meat on the side

Bent block

Reverse-colored pharmacy

The Dairy Marina

Rose No Way


Blue zone

Customer bakery @mb

Thank you for shopping [S]

Front end, from the other end

Great choices (were not made)

The (modern) wine cellar


Gluten free cheese butter yogurt

Triple oval

Fresh Dairy, from the baby aisle

Oval, meet oval

Press the red help button and absolutely nothing will happen

The streetcars are even in Safeway colors

Health and Dairy

Meat & Seafood, in the round

Twin eights

Portal to floral

Straight from the farm to the bakery

Looking back

the best in Quality

Shiny produce

Floral Deluxe

Stepping inside

Lighthouse outside

Sun shades on a cloudy day

Curving around to the left


Double windows

Welcome to the Marina Safeway!

Lines instead of Xes

Green produce