The (modern) wine cellar

The liquor decor proved near-impossible to photograph, thanks to the tall refrigerated cases with all sorts of random decor piled on top of them, but this picture does give you a good view of how it's constructed, at least. I was surprised to see that new "the wine cellar" sign -- I believe that sign is from Modern, making it perhaps the newest decor element in this store, and has only shown up in my area in new-build stores and some of the stores that received particularly thorough remodels (which is to say, Albertsons to Safeway conversions).


  1. Anonymous in HoustonMay 25, 2023 at 9:52 PM

    Ha, I see that Safeway is keeping Macy's tradition alive of calling something above ground 'the cellar'! I suppose this is better than where the old Willowbrook Mall Macy's, the one that existed here in Houston before the take over of all the Federated regional department stores, put their The Cellar...on the third floor of a three story building!

    1. Ha! I had been thinking this was a QFC knockoff 😉


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