
Twin T-Ps Restaurant, Seattle, 1937

Fancy bulk shelving

I love edgelighting

X marks the produce spot

Brown to green

Fresh from the all-lowercase fields

Juice corner

Back actionway overview

I pick you, Bountiful (someone at Kroger, probably)

Dairy tunnel

Style clash


Aisle number inflation came early here

Frozen aisle

Bright shiny objects

In which I speculate wildly on matters about which I am completely uninformed

Meat, no seafood, no experts

Dark meat

Sad magazine shelving

I love road work!

I should try to recreate this view sometime

Grilling in the pharmacy

Ovals and circles

Oh look, now we have dentist's office stock photos!

But wait, there's more (category marker weirdness)

More clip art

Looking behind the curtain


Wine Cellar

šŸŸ šŸ·

Backlit meats

Mini meat counter

As much as I like fair scones, I don't think they can be considered a health food

Another look at the v2 pharmacy

Don't let the hand sanitizer fool you -- these pictures were actually taken in July 2020!

Frozen pills

Apparently, beer is a dairy choice

Dairy on an angle

Those shelf-mounted lights probably made more sense before the remodel


Bread & rolls are pure & wholesome

No longer "irresistable"

Wine and bread

Orange and red

About as much of a grand aisle as you'll find in a Northwest Safeway

Fresh decor (?)

Deli, in the entryway

Flash forward (and/or back)

Stepping inside (2007-style)

Sudden sunshine