Blue zone

The green wall color in the produce department isn't new to me, but the blue used in the dairy section sure is! This seems to be a NorCal District-specific thing, and I quite like it. Interestingly, this store has the woodgrain flooring that Lifestyle used for the produce department throughout the perimeter -- I looked back at old pictures in Google Maps and it looks like this wasn't always the case, so I guess this store did actually get new flooring, but they decided to use the Lifestyle type rather than the newer kind that matches the rest of Modern's woodgrain finishes.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonMay 27, 2023 at 10:05 PM

    Huh, I like this Colorful Lifestyle..err..Modern decor! The blue around the dairy section reminds me a lot of Colorful Lifestyle v2's blue in the dairy box and maybe also Lifestyle v3 as well. As someone who generally prefers Colorful Lifestyle v2 and v3 over Modern, this mixing of Modern and recent Lifestyle developments seems like a winner to me! The use of Lifestyle flooring just adds to the nice style here.

    1. Yeah, it's quite nice! I'm glad I got to see this store like this rather than with worn-out Lifestyle v1.


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