I love edgelighting

I thought these edge-lit signs on the central organic display were neat -- too bad I haven't seen them in other Safeways. In the background, you can see the special low-height shelves this store has in front of the produce department windows, which look to have been awkwardly converted from their original single-shelf configuration to a very cramped three-shelf setup.


  1. It's weird seeing a Safeway with windows like that in the produce department!

    I was able to find a couple of photos from the Tanglewood Randall's in one of Houston's wealthiest neighborhoods of the new signage they have advertising that the card is no londer necessary to get sale prices. I figure you might like to see these since maybe you'll see them at your local Albertsons and Safeways soon:



    This is a very nice looking Colorful Lifestyle v2 store. Here are all the pictures of it: https://goo.gl/maps/kdwCSiDyDqEdZtoXA

    1. Oddly enough, this isn't even the only local Safeway with this sort of setup!

      Those ads are amusing, because they're using literally the exact same ad copy as Albertsons used a decade or so ago when they got rid of their sale card around here! The Magnolia Albertsons (which we've discussed previously) still has the ads up from back then -- I'll email you a picture.

      That store does look quite nice, though it's too bad they removed the arches from the department signs (they don't always do that in CLv2 remodels), and it's also interesting that they switched out the product photos for historic local flair photos (something I've only seen in a handful of Lifestyle v3 remodels).


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