
Towards the deli

In the corner

Baked ice cream

Meat, wine, and bakery

S Fresh

Lunch block

Alternative eggs, meet alternative meats

Milk & Cheetos

Looking back


So many shades of green

Loom wildly

Vegetables, fruits, and so much rice

Stepping inside

Green and red

Circles on the ceiling (and floor)

Welcome to the 90s

Looking back

East end

JC Corner

Potato Corner

JCPenney court (I guess?)

What happened, Express?

Southcenter shoe shine

Quick, get away from the perfume kiosk

Home grown old phones

Get ready

Stub end

Looking towards produce

Stepping inside


Welcome to the Carmel Safeway!

A peaceful, snowy Walmart

The full Walmart rainbow

Customer Service Ood

Self-checkouts in green

Front end

Don't even think about opening these

Pickup, out in the open

The little pharmacy


I'm always behind where Apple would want me to be

The Apple aerie

Welcome back to the Southcenter Mall!

Back out in the sun

Almost painfully bright

Seasonal ice

The dead corner


Frozen aisle 20