
Back tunnel

The finest corner

The great blue outdoors

Diagonal deli

Stepping inside

The roof is waving to the waves in the background

Ice cubed

Welcome to the Pacific Palisades Vons!

Now (not) open

Bergman's Secret

Nord Marche

Stay safe, stay classy


Nordstrom hallway

Ben Bridge

Local chains large, medium, and small

All white

Din Tai Uniqlo


Back to the mall itself


Grand ceiling, sad store

Back to the swimsuits

Rolling up the red carpet

Q squared

Artistically blurry?

Weird sign support thing

Around back


Bars, bagels and more

Along the side

Brown and blue bakery

Cream-colored dairy

Naturally frozen

Lots of clearance shoes

Over here, on the other hand...

They were really trying to make this look not empty

A whole checklist of things you can't do here

Seems rather optimistic

Inconveniences everywhere

Sears has a lot to apologize for

Pickup office

Caution, the doors are missing

And stripped for parts

Powered down

Selection as thin as the mannequins

Not time to leave yet

No shortage of shorts

Red, white, and black

Mannequins on a trampoline