
This ex-Kmart has a lot more space between the grocery-side entrance and the side wall than I'm used to (nearly 250 feet based on Google Maps measurements, which is more than twice the equivalent distance at the Port Angeles store), so the produce department feels rather cavernous (even with the former pickup space between the door and the start of groceries)! Thankfully, I don't believe this store ever had Cheap Impact -- it appears to have opened with Black Decor 2.x, which did an OK job of filling the space. (The Cheap Impact pictures appear to be from the previous Walmart across the street.) It's also interesting to see just how good the concrete flooring looks here, despite the wide expanses of it visible around the sparse produce displays -- Walmart must have done a lot of work to get it looking like-new in this not-new store. (With all of that work, they could have installed a vinyl floor instead... but I don't like plain white vinyl like Walmart uses anyway, so I don't mind.)
