
Opening up to the food court

For your entertainment (of decades past)

Looking back

Plants are always a nice touch

Journeys to Gamestop

Mind the holes

Using umbrellas isn't how you get Seattle to accept you


Another Auntie Anne's

Getting into the spirit

Dead space

Side hallway

Sears corner

Bridges and openings

Back to the main walk

Looking up

Back outside

Sale on suitcases

Proud to be a maple leaf company

Front end

Photography and electronics

Mirror supplies

Enlarged enlargements

1 Hour Photo (do they really still have that equipment?)


Postal corner, plus TVs

The general merchandise side

Hello, summer sun

Floor to ceiling

Go to the light

Lego, surrounded by even more cell phone kiosks

Sawtooth balconies

And turning back

Almost to JCPenney

Who names their clothes store "Basic Wear"??

If you see something, say nothing

To the side


Not quite at the finish line of this tour

H&M at the top of the T

The cove lighting is neat, at least

Hanging from the ceiling

31 flavors

Blue glow

The heart of our business


London sunset

The other side

Cosmetics and fragrances

Stepping inside