Almost to JCPenney

The newer JCPenney mall entrance is very boring, especially compared to the original 60s one, but I suppose that isn't a surprise. Heck, it's even boring compared to the Sears and Nordstrom entrances! It doesn't help that this JCPenney logo (which they keep coming back to for some reason) is itself extremely boring. I suppose it's an appropriate representation of what you'll find inside the store too.


  1. I have a certain affinity for this JCPenney logo. Sure, it is no Funky P and it is quite plain, but it has been around for so long that it just seems like the classic JCPenney logo. We had a 25" JCPenney console TV (made by RCA) growing up and our first microwave was a JCPenney brand unit. So, yeah, I saw this logo a lot way back in the day on those items and on the JCPenney stores of the time as well.

    If nothing else, this logo is better than whatever modernized attempts they've made! Back in the 1970s, a plain sans serif text logo was a bit futuristic and clean looking and it still looks pretty modern today, even if it is a bit plain. They often combine the text with a box logo to give things a bit more pop.

    If you want a taste of what JCPenney stores were like during better times, check out this video from 1984 showing off the latest at the time interior decor at Sears and JCPenney stores. Both of those stores look a lot nicer than a modern Macy's even! Link:

    1. I actually liked the red-and-blue square logo they used for like 5 minutes in the 2010s, but I think I was the only one! JCPenney was the only department store around when I was growing up, but I never much liked it (I never much liked clothes shopping of any sort), so I don't have positive associations with the brand.


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