If I had known I was going to move in a few months, I might have bought some of those 50% off appliances October 30, 2020 Closing Downtown Seattle Macy's Seattle +
Even the closing banner wasn't held back (er, held up) October 29, 2020 Closing Downtown Seattle Macy's Seattle +
Even the mannequins were getting in on the store closing mood October 27, 2020 Closing Downtown Seattle Macy's Seattle +
Macy's Downtown 1/12/2020: The closing begins October 27, 2020 Closing Downtown Seattle Macy's Seattle +
Ah, the suburbs, where fancy SUVs meet sports cars October 24, 2020 Lake Oswego Portland vicinity Safeway +
The closest thing I'm going to get to a view of the liquor store October 22, 2020 Downtown Seattle Remodel Seattle Target +
And one last view from this "going down the escalator" series October 20, 2020 Downtown Seattle Remodel Seattle Target +