I was originally planning to post some more new Safeway news in the window between the Queen Anne set and my vacation, but that was before I actually went and got those photos, and came home with far too many to fit in the available time. Since I didn't feel like writing descriptions at twice my normal rate while working on packing and cleaning and all that last-minute pre-vacation stuff, I decided to go with something classic to even out all of the new stuff. This store was built in the late 60s or early 70s (quite possibly not as an Albertsons originally, since it doesn't look much like their stores of that era) and had its last remodel roughly two decades before my visit, so it fits the bill nicely!
Fun fact: Out of the several hundred folders of retail stuff on my computer, this one comes first alphabetically in my "brand - location" naming convention. It will probably stay there unless I visit a store who's name is earlier in the alphabet than Albertsons! (But no, that's not how I chose it -- my big list of unposted stores, which I refer to when picking what set I'm going to post next, is chronological instead of alphabetical.)
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