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This is quite an odd store -- it certainly doesn't look like any other Albertsons I've visited or seen! The sign looks particularly bad, being off-center vertically and having the Safeway pharmacy sign awkwardly tacked on where the Sav-On logo once was (note that the sign also wasn't centered horizontally back then -- it's as if they decided to align it in the top left corner for some reason). The main entrance is awkwardly crammed into the corner formed by the small strip mall you can see in the last picture. The interior layout is pretty odd too, as we'll see shortly.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJanuary 30, 2025 at 7:55 PM

    Albertsons certainly has a Kmart-ian way of not centering their signs and leaving behind labelscar/patchy paint when they take off those Sav-On signs (or the Big part of Big Kmart signs in the case of Kmart)! This is by far not the worst I've seen though!

    Two Corollas, a Civic, and a Camry! This looks like a scene out of the 1990s or 2000s even if all but that beige Corolla are newer than that. Seeing something like this today in Houston might not be unheard of, though there would probably be a Nissan sedan or a truck somewhere in between those cars, lol.

    1. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite this bad when it comes to centering, but the labelscar thing is a real problem for Albertsons these days. A lot of Safeways around here have really bad labelscar from when they finally updated the remaining stores with the pre-2005 logo in the early 2020s.

      I thought it was funny how all 5 cars in this photo are either Hondas or Toyotas! It's odd seeing a California picture without any luxury cars, just like it's odd seeing one from the Northwest without any Subarus.


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