Zooming out

I thought it would be nice to get a shot of the bag with the store visible behind, and I quite like how this photo turned out. I had to be quick, though, since I was planning on getting on the bus on the left for a bit of a break from the rain! Thankfully, traffic was horrible due to everyone trying to get into the store's parking garage (which is a bit of a mess of twisty ramps that don't seem quite wide enough for two-way traffic -- not somewhere I'd ever want to drive!), and that half a block of distance turned out to be plenty of time for me to get to the stop diagonally across the street. 

Anyway, that's it for this store, at least for now -- I wouldn't be surprised if I swing by for more photos in the future without the hectic opening day crowd, though there are only a few things I really didn't get good pictures of. I really like this store -- the new decor looks great; it's just too bad that its location and crowdedness (even on normal days) mean that I won't be switching over from the (markedly inferior) Lower Queen Anne location any time soon.


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