Local flair!


 ... And that would be the big local flair historic photo on the wall between those departments! Safeway seemed to be quite opposed to local flair in the Lifestyle era, almost never including any sort in their stores (something that didn't change until well into the Alberstons era), so I was quite surprised to see this. I believe this little corner holds the stairs/elevator up to the second-story offices in the old building, which are rented out separately (that's why there's a sign for a dentist right next to the Vons sign).


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJune 9, 2024 at 9:08 PM

    Well, if there was ever a store that deserved some unique Lifestyle v2 elements, this would be it!

    I wonder if that 'Attention!' videotaping sign is a Lifestyle decor sign. I've certainly never seen it. I wonder if they were even still using tape when this store was opened or if they were using hard drives by then! Oh well, I guess they were recording you recording them, lol.

    1. That's for sure!

      That sort of design dates back to the very early days of Lifestyle (or maybe even to those mystery late-Proto-Lifestyle designs, where the font would fit better). I'm surprised Safeway was still using it in the late 00s when this store opened, but this sort of thing tends to stick around way longer than the decor it originally went with! Even by the time Lifestyle first came out, actually recording surveillance video on tape would have probably been a bit outdated (I don't know when VHS started to go out of fashion for surveillance cameras, but I imagine it was at least starting to be replaced by 2003!), and by the time this store opened, I can't imagine anyone was installing tape-based systems in new-build stores! Of course, people still refer to taping things (audio or video) even though the vast majority of people don't use physical tape for anything anymore, so the mention of "video taping" doesn't seem all that out of place to me!


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