Egg donuts

It's rather strange to see the dairy sign right above the bakery counter, but I suppose that's nowhere near the strangest thing about this store! Despite the unique overall layout, it seems that Safeway kept some of the department pairings that I'm used to (dairy by the bakery, produce by meat, etc.), though that's probably just a coincidence. On the left, you can tell that this is a Lifestyle v2-built store by the fancy open gas oven in the bakery, which looks much less impressive here than it normally would due to the low ceiling and tall cases. I don't think I've ever been in a Safeway when one of these was in use, so I'm not sure if they've fallen out of use as part of Albertsons' cuts, if they were a waste of money in the first place, or if I just have terrible timing!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJune 10, 2024 at 9:12 PM

    Ha, not only does my Randall's still have their open gas oven, but they still use it! Or at least they keep it on to make it look like they use it. Of course, at my local Randall's, the oven is a bit more prominent looking than it is here. I wouldn't have even seen it if you didn't say it was there!

    What I did notice clearly is that Sincerely muffin sign. Yikes. I suppose we can laugh about it now that those ads are mostly gone, but what was Albertsons thinking with that campaign?

    1. Wow! I guess that makes sense, since Randall's is a bit fancier than either Vons or the parts of Safeway I'm used to.

      Yeah, I really don't miss that stuff! It's too bad the Sincerely campaign was in full swing when I went on my mega Safeway road trip...


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