Sadly, there are no self-checkouts here, though if you have a Mastercard, there's a special express lane for you! I've never seen anything like that at any other store, but I noticed a lot of advertising for Mastercard and Visa in Europe, something you don't see all that often around here (there are plenty of credit card ads in the US, but not typically for Mastercard or Visa directly). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use it as the card I was using in Italy is not a Mastercard. Off in the background, there's also a dedicated "exit without buying" lane, the opposite of most European grocery stores with their strict one-way system, but I suppose Eataly has to have that since I'm sure it's common for people to come here only to eat at the restaurants, not to buy anything that you would pay for at the checkouts. (All stores should have a way for people to exit without going through the checkouts -- it's frustrating how many US stores seem to be adopting the typical European model!)
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