Maybe even... ultra-premium?


 These odd tin-ceiling squares in the back part of produce look a bit out of place in this package which seems to take most of its inspiration from mid-century modern designs. I think these may have been an earlier Ultra-Premium element that's become less common in newer remodels, but don't quote me on that -- I'm not all that familiar with this decor! I do like those swirly pepper displays that have become fairly common in recent years, but they don't look all that great when there's this much empty space in the display...


  1. I don't recall seeing this element in the photos I've seen on flickr so far, but don't quote me, lol. This has definitely been one of my favorite, if not my actual favorite, modern day décor packages to look at lately, so I'm glad you got to visit one!

    1. I agree that they don't seem to be very common in the pictures I've seen. This store seems to have been fairly early to remodel to this package, and it wouldn't surprise me if Safeway dropped them.

      I quite like Ultra-Premium, but I'm not sure I would rank it that high -- I would definitely put Urban Mix above it, and also some of the special local packages Albertsons has been using at places like Haggen, Andronico's, and Acme. Heritage is pretty cool too. I certainly don't have anything against Ultra-Premium -- I just really like those other packages!

    2. Fair enough -- those are all nice packages as well!


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