Welcome to the central Bakersfield Albertsons!

This store was built in 2002 or 2003, and appears to have remained untouched ever since -- you can tell that even from this distance, looking at how horribly faded the road sign is! This store may not look like much, but it's home to what may just be the rarest and least-known decor package* I've ever been able to see in person, so let's get right into it!

* There are a lot of ways that I could define rareness when it comes to decor packages. These are the qualifications I'm using:

  • How common it was at its peak, not today (so excluding packages like Fred Meyer's Cartoon, which currently only exists in one store but used to be widespread)
  • Not a one-off package designed for a specific store
  • Used by a major national chain 

And by the way, I apologize for the missing posts yesterday. I was at another concert last night (Cold War Kids), and completely forgot to mention on Friday that I would be skipping a day! 


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