
Apart from the aisle markers, the secondary decor elements in this store are largely standard Lifestyle elements, including the oversized oval health and beauty category markers that were a feature of early Lifestyle v2 stores. The wall decor, meanwhile, was modified in mostly subtle ways, like the addition of decorative hangers on the bottom shelf of the arch signs and the switch to edgelit glass panels for the department photos (the latter of which I think looks quite nice, at least where the edge-lighting is still working).


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJuly 9, 2023 at 8:43 PM

    Ah, so that's when those oval HBA category markers came out! I have a guest blog post I've been working on for HHR about a Colorful Lifestyle v2 Randall's which has those HBA markers and I couldn't figure out which decor package those were part of. Lifestyle v2 would have made sense given that store's timeline, but then Lifestyle v2 was when Safeway was moving away from those oval elements...or so I assumed. I guess they didn't completely move away from them until later in Lifestyle v2!

    The location of this pharmacy makes complete sense to me, and probably to most people, but I know Safeway shoppers from the NW might disagree with that, lol.

    1. Yeah, it's never made much sense to me that they introduced these oval category markers at the same time they dropped ovals everywhere else! Maybe they did show up in the Lifestyle v1 era -- that would make more sense, but I've never seen them in Lifestyle v1 stores. Who knows...


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