
Sadly, but not surprisingly, London Drugs hasn't been investing in keeping their neon signage well maintained. The red/pink neon for the cosmetics department seems particularly prone to failure for some reason (I believe only one of the stores I visited had it functional), and none of the stores I visited had all of their neon fully functional. That being said, despite the somewhat run-down appearance of this store's interior (not that I would like to see it remodeled!), it didn't seem to be hurting for customers!


  1. This is certainly a busier scene than that Rite Aid you featured a few weeks ago, lol. Granted, even with the problems with the neon, this store looks much better than that poor Rite Aid.

    1. Ha! Since I'm pretty sure that was the only time I've ever taken pictures in a store with absolutely no actual shoppers, everything is going to be busier than that store!


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