Fragrances, rose

Surprisingly, despite the overall worn-out look of this store, the cosmetics area has some fixtures that look quite new, though they are under the "Fragrances" sign, for whatever reason. Those LED-lit shelves are a real contrast with the 90s rose color and burned-out neon!


  1. This fragrance island feels a lot like Randall's old fragrance islands back in the early 1990s, lightboxes, neon, rose colors, and all. As is usually the case, there is a lot of copying in the retail industry...even across countries it seems! You can see what I'm saying about the Randall's comparison at 1:06 in this video:

    Just to reply to the comment in the other post, Je of the Louisiana & Texas Retail Blog reports that his new phone does a really good job taking photos of neon. He's shared some of his neon photos and it is true. This isn't much of a useful post because I have no idea what kind of phone he has, but I'm pretty sure it isn't Apple, lol.

    1. Wow, that really does look quite similar! I know this color was quite popular in the 90s, as were ceiling lightboxes like this, but that's still a lot more similar than I was expecting!

      Yeah, I imagine pretty much any newer phone would do better, just like my current phone does way better than my old iPod did. My parents have a newer iPhone SE, and it's way better with weird lighting conditions even though it's the lower-end model.


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