Rolling fields of palm trees

While most of the decor here is leftovers from stores past, the new owners still put their own touches here, like the rather out-of-place fake palm trees and scarecrows on top of the produce case! It's interesting to see that the old-fashioned one-deck produce cases are still largely being used as originally designed -- most of the time at Albertsons (and Safeway, post-merger), these were retrofitted with smaller shelves.


  1. Huh, windows were certainly an unusual, if not unheard of, feature in Houston Albertsons!

    The palm trees are an unusual touch for a supermarket in the NW. There's something very Floridian about the palm trees, but not the mountains in the back, lol.

    1. Windows in the produce department are a standard feature of this particular late-Grocery Palace prototype, but I don't believe this was ever a particularly common prototype, so they're certainly not a feature I've seen very often! The windows here seem extra large too, but I haven't seen enough stores like this to be sure about that.


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