Produce, spreading out of its alcove

This part of the store formerly had some of the only interesting decor in the place, in both the produce and liquor departments. Liquor seems to have been moved into the aisles during the remodel, the exact opposite of a typical Fred Meyer remodel -- normally, they create a new dedicated space for liquor in or adjacent to the grand aisle, from what I've seen in recent remodels. (But, as we saw with natural foods, Fred Meyer wasn't afraid to go in a weird direction with this remodel -- and that makes me think, it probably would have made more sense to have natural foods over here and liquor in a separate location! At least that's a department that people are used to looking in a different place for...) 


  1. It's too bad Fred Meyer got rid of those ancient looking scales! Those look ancient even by hanging scale standards!

    What are the large plastic bags in the produce department designed for? We only have the normal plastic bags that come on the rolls.

    1. Ha! Yeah, hanging scales are certainly an odd touch for Fred Meyer -- I don't believe I've ever seen another Fred Meyer with those.

      I have no idea what's up with the larger plastic bags. I don't think they're even super common at Fred Meyer, though maybe I just haven't noticed them. I know I've never seen them at Safeway or even QFC.


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