Or you could even have a giant, three-dimensional display... thing!

With these things, I do actually know what they are -- displays for some sort of sporty clothing (though I don't have a picture of them in use, unfortunately) -- but I have no idea what people could possibly want them for! One thing that never did come on sale is the giant metal reliefs on the escalator core -- I hope they'll be preserved in some way, but they won't be here, since the escalators themselves will be gone in the redevelopment proposal I've seen for the old Macy's space. Oh well, maybe they'll be donated to MOHAI! (Yes, Seattle does have it's own version of The Onion...)


  1. Loving the titles in this set! And that link is hilarious, too :P

    1. Thanks again! And yep, that site has some surprisingly good satire 🙂

      Oh, and after getting a little bit to far into the rabbit hole of old Seattle stuff that actually did go to MOHAI, it turns out they have something from this store after all -- the old Bon Marche signs!

    2. You're welcome! And that's great news!


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