No? How about some clear spheres on stands?

Over in the sold fixtures department, we find a set of clear plastic spheres on stands. (Amusingly, there's three of them, just like the Amazon spheres!) I have no idea what these could be, other than that they wouldn't look out of place on a sci-fi movie set! They look like some sort of cross between an old-fashioned gumball machine and one of those giant globes on a floor stand. Clearly, someone seen a use for these, since they had been sold already... but then again, they mustn't have wanted them that bad, since they were sitting over here for several weeks. If anyone knows what these actually are, I'd love to hear it!


  1. Zero idea what they could be. But you describe them pretty well, haha!

    1. Thanks! This isn't going to be the last mystery item dug up from the fixture sales at this store...

    2. You're welcome! Excited to see more :)


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