Stepping inside

This store, unsurprisingly, follows the standard Grocery Palace layout, with the pharmacy box and Starbucks kiosk (which I assume was a later addition) directing entering shoppers towards the produce department. Quite a few local Albertsons stores still have this layout, a lasting legacy of how widespread the Grocery Palace decor seemingly was. Despite that, I don't believe I ever set foot in a Grocery Palace store prior to this one -- my parents and I were (and still are) almost exclusively Safeway shoppers, so when we went out of town, we would almost never stop at any other grocery store, which I suppose means that I missed out on a lot of interesting stuff at other stores! (Though the consistency of Safeways is very helpful in this context...)

That all aside, here's our first look at the Grocery Palace decor itself, looking at the produce decor along the right-hand wall. This decor seems to be modeled after produce crate designs, and I think it is supposed to look faded like that (though I'm not entirely sure, as the Grocery Palace decor does seem to be prone to fading). Between the style of the decor, and the extremely dim lighting in this place, I had trouble getting decent pictures of some of the decor here, but I think you get the idea.
