
Turning back towards the entry, we see the store's large deli counter. The decor here is surprisingly bland, with almost no signage and a relatively boring style to the department. (This store, despite being built with the Grocery Palace decor, seems to have gotten a basic version of it, without most of the props, fancy floor tile, and other features that have made this decor package so notable -- which seems to be typical of Grocery Palace Albertsons in this region, and honestly of most grocery stores in the Northwest. I don't know what it is, but we always seem to get small stores and boring decor compared to many other parts of the country.) The wall tile in the deli, meanwhile, has survived later remodels in many ex-Grocery Palace Albertsons, and actually fits in well enough with newer decor packages that I was surprised to see it here!

Another month has passed already, so it's time for another album recommendation -- and since it's a new year, too, I decided to feature something more special than just what I'm listening to now! Metric is one of the bands that I've followed for the longest, and while I don't always like their music, their latest album Art of Doubt is really good. They're also one of the two bands that I've seen in concert, and while I'm not a particular fan of live music, they were quite good! Happy new year, everyone -- time to see what 2020 will bring!


  1. There's also a chance some of the decor was ripped out during the minor PFH update in the late 2000's. My local Albertsons received a "remodel" in 2009, which rearranged a few aisles and brought about the removal of the Snack Central and Beverage Boulevard props, as well as most other props over the grocery aisles. The decor stayed exactly the same, just scaled down a bit when all that stuff was taken out. The same is true for most of the other Grocery Palace Albertsons stores that remained in Florida into the early 2010's.

    1. Yeah, that could be too -- hard to say. It certainly was missing some elements of the decor that would have been harder to remove, though, particularly the themed floor tile which was completely nonexistent.


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