Old and new

And here we get to the part of the remodel that I'm certainly not happy about. On the left we have the Lifestyle fancy beige vinyl... and on the right we have the boring new white vinyl that they're installing to replace it. The Albertsons conversions are either getting polished concrete floors or very nice new vinyl, but all of the remodeled Safeways I've seen so far have only gotten this sort of floor replacement, with the perimeter flooring downgraded to the most boring, default-looking white vinyl imaginable, while the main aisles (which already had boring white vinyl left over from before the Lifestyle remodels) and the departments that faux-wood flooring (which was installed during the Lifestyle remodels and is looking extremely worn-out in many stores, including this one) are staying as is. I'd love to hear what you think, but in my opinion, there's no way this seems like an upgrade to me. I was particularly sad to see this (in other stores as well as this one) as the flooring is one of the things that really seemed to need an upgrade in older Lifestyle stores, and the converted Albertsons look so nice with their new floors.


  1. Yeah, I'll agree that this seems like a real downgrade...

    1. Honestly, even concrete floors would probably be (a little bit) better than this...


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