Rounding the corner

I've always loved the attention to detail shown in the corner treatments in these P01 stores. It would have been all to easy to just stop the neon short of the corner on either side, or otherwise leave it non-continuous, but instead it was very nicely kept smooth and continuous through the corner. I feel like most stores wouldn't have bothered with this!

On a side note, I was quite pleasantly surprised with how well the neon turned out in these pictures. I certainly didn't have high hopes with how poorly my iPod camera tends to work in unusual situations, but I guess neon is something that it does reasonably well with!


  1. Nice! I was similar with my old phone's treatment of neon... thought it did a good job, although on my end the red in particular always seemed problematic (doesn't look like as much of an issue in your shot here). Tested it with my new phone this weekend and discovered I finally have a camera that can capture red neon well! Will need to go back soon and get more photos :)

    1. Based on that one picture you posted a while back, your new phone clearly does incredibly well with neon! Though I do kind of like how these pictures captured it very close to real life rather than making it look better than real life, which seems to be what cameras these days are trending towards...

    2. Definitely a good point! Amazing how much cameras have advanced - to the point that they've now gone too far, even!


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