Red to green

I was a little sad to see that the exact transition between the red and green zones was hidden under that poster, but anyways, here it is. The green zone is probably the biggest of the three in this store (at least in terms of neon space), taking up most of the right side and front walls. I'm not sure what I think of the green neon, but I do like the multicolored nature of this decor package!


  1. Unfortunately all P01 neon transitions I've seen have been buried behind posters like this :( I just wish I knew whether the posters would have been there originally, or if those were something that came later as an attempt at refreshing the place...

    1. Hmm, interesting... the white-to-red one here wasn't covered up, just this one was.

      And I do feel like the posters are a later addition, though as I've proven over and over again with this set, my memory can't be trusted...


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