... and he's dead

One of the only bits of dead neon around was in the Lego department -- and, clearly, there was plenty of red stuff around to compensate! 😉 Seriously, though, it's surprising how good the neon at this store looks (and the same seems to go for pretty much all the remaining neon Targets) -- I have to wonder if they still have a stock laying around somewhere, since I feel like they have to be maintaining it somehow for it to look so good 16 years after the remodel...


  1. I've always been curious about the neon maintenance as well. One strip of yellow neon was replaced in my store recently, and it looked a little different than the rest... PlazaACME wound up telling me it somehow doesn't have the outer coating it's supposed to (well, what he actually wrote was something more technical than that, but I'm not a lighting expert XD ). But it's not just Target... I've always wondered, for example, how neon replacement worked for the neon Kroger stores as well. Is it on a store-by-store basis with some neon provider/repairman? Do they have to go through a district manager? Regional division folks? So many questions...

    1. Yeah, I certainly wouldn't know! But it is interesting to hear that they seem to replace some of it with actual new stuff rather than older parts sitting in storage -- certainly seems like a lot of effort for stores that clearly aren't doing well enough to justify a real remodel, and I doubt most other stores would bother! (Just another way that Target is better than most chains, I guess! 😉)


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