Books & Magazines & Electronics

I found it mildly amusing how Fred Meyer decided to consolidate both of the dying departments together in many of their stores! I have to imagine that moving books and magazines to a more out of the way place will only worsen sales of what I imagine would be mostly impulse buys too -- who would actively go to Fred Meyer to look at books when there are many great bookstores around? The dead space in the front is where the first few checkouts used to be, and where the two self checkout pods will move in order for floral to move to their old spot off to the left of this picture.


  1. "when there are many great bookstores around"

    Glad that's the case for your area...

    1. Too bad it's not for yours... ☹️

      We certainly have fewer than we once did, but there are still quite a few around, especially independent ones. (Admittedly, chain bookstores are still dropping like flies around here, though we do have physical Amazon bookstores now, not that I've gotten around to checking them out yet...)


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