The ghost of Tully's lives on

In a strange coincidence, this store's closing came in the midst of the Tully's implosion, and apparently no one felt the need to remove their sign from the building. Admittedly, it's in no way unusual to see a random Tully's sign still hanging on -- their closure was so messy that even their Pike Place Market store still has its sign up (or at least it did as of a few months ago... it's not like I'd go there voluntarily! 🙂), but it is a bit weird that Fred Meyer didn't take the sign down when they moved out. And as a side note, the cafe solarium is the main thing that connected this place to Stock Market Foods for me, as they often had these fancy cafe seating sections.


  1. Hadn't heard of Tully's before. That article and the other details on Wikipedia are interesting reads. Sucks the company "imploded" like that.

    1. Not the first time I've mentioned it on here! 😉 Yep, just another casualty in the never-ending domination of Starbucks...

    2. I figured as such XD I'm terrible at remembering things sometimes, haha!


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