A, meet C

I find it a little strange how Target retained their alphanumeric aisle numbering scheme on these new aisle markers, but I guess that makes logistics easier for them. It does look a bit weird where the grocery aisles (zone C) meet the front wall (zone A), and I don't get why they couldn't have made this part of the front wall aisle C1 instead. This isn't even just an issue with this store -- I've seen it in pretty much every store with this decor package. Certainly not the most intuitive numbering scheme...


  1. I do like how they deemphasized the aisle numbers, at least. I think they're useful primarily to employees more so than customers, and it made no sense to have, for instance, the giant "W##" placards in SuperTargets. And heck, it seems most customers forget aisle markers even exist at all! (I can be guilty of this at times as well...)

    1. Funny you mention that -- I was thinking it was pretty weird how small the aisle numbers are here! I do see what you're saying there, though, but they do seem like a helpful thing for customer navigation still (if people actually pay attention -- I agree that most people seem to prefer to wander around rather than looking at signs!).

    2. That's a fair point - if I actually remember to look up at the aisle markers, I also generally make a mental note that the product I'm looking for is on Aisle 1 (or whatever). Still, it seems traditional grocery stores are the only places where that system works as intended. Here, the numbering system is messed up as you said, and even at Walmart the way they double-number the aisles depending on which direction you're facing isn't helpful at all!

    3. Yeah, I'm not a fan of double-numbering in general, but the Walmart style has to be the worst! I've seen them do it a few different ways, but none of them make sense, because it just doesn't make sense with the parallel orientation they insist on. At least that's something Target got right with this decor package...


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