Safeway itself

This store was built as the anchor to a small shopping center, with strip mall wings extending off both sides and some extra buildings along the street side, as the last picture shows. Ugh, how is it possible that no matter what store I visit or when I'm there, I always seem to be taking pictures into the sun?? (My store visits tend to be on winter afternoons, so I guess a lot of stores around here have their front entrances facing east for some reason...)


  1. Anonymous in HoustonMarch 10, 2025 at 10:27 PM

    Huh, I suppose like we've seen at Tacoma, the further out you get away from Seattle itself in the Seattle metro area, the less Subarus you see. I suppose that applies to the north of town like it does to the south! I actually don't spot any Subarus at all, which is pretty remarkable. Even remarkable is that there is a Suzuki Aerio in the scene! You certainly don't see those very often around here, or probably anywhere in the US. That said, I've seen a few Suzuki Aerios and SX4s lately. The SX4 might have been appropriate for the Italian series given that it was co-developed by Fiat and sold as a Fiat in Europe.

    1. I had noticed that too. It's a bit odd, since I would have expected Bothell to be a Subaru suburb! Subaru seems to be losing its dominance in Seattle, with people switching to Toyota and Tesla (though not so much the latter any more!).


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