Scooping up the column

Towards the front of the store, the right-hand wall bumps out a bit to provide space for the bakery and deli service departments, marked by a significant concentration of stuff on the wall. I joked previously about the color scheme of this decor making me think of the MV Spokane; the flooring here also reminds me of the state ferries thanks to how incredibly patchy it is! Most of the vinyl in this store is plain grey stuff that looks absolutely ancient and has mismatched patches in various places; Albertsons did add some proper Industrial Circus flooring in a few random spots around the service departments, but even it has been poorly patched. I suspect things like this are why stores hardly ever install fancier vinyl flooring these days, though patches on exposed concrete floors look even worse, and the state ferries provide a cautionary tale there too as their newer ferries, which have switched to incredibly boring beige vinyl for presumably the same reason, already have patchy flooring due to it being replaced by the wrong shade of beige. 🤦‍♂️
