Public dairy

Meanwhile, the poor dairy sign has clearly seen some stuff. It looks like the checkerboard got bashed in at some point, then someone tried to cleanly cut off the damaged part without much success. It's interesting to see that the four colors were individual bits of... something (wallpaper? vinyl? not sure) stuck to the backing board, rather than being painted on. On the left is the famed Public Restrooms sign, which looks a little different from the one Retail Retell has -- it kind of seems like they just forgot to paint the top OSB trim, except all of the aisle markers and small signs around the store are the same way. Consistency seems to have been a bit too much to expect from Albertsons in this era.


  1. Ha, thanks for the link! It looks like they covered over the A-leaf on the little seal for some reason, too.

    1. Considering how decrepit most of this scene is, I wonder if the logo fell off the sign somehow.


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