Hunting and driving

The back left corner is home to the sporting and auto departments (unsurprisingly, there's no auto center at this store). There are a lot more fishing poles here than I would expect to see at a store in Fresno! A quick search shows that apparently fishing is a big deal around here, which surprised me -- I would have thought this region would be too dry for that.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 1, 2024 at 9:25 PM

    Huh, I actually would have expected this Walmart to have an auto center since presumably the Kmart would have had one. Then again, we did have a number of 1990s Kmarts here in Houston which didn't have auto centers, but those were the almost-new Venture stores which Kmart took over. Ventures, at least the ones here, didn't have auto centers (or garden centers for that matter) and so our newer Big Kmarts went without them. That was around the time the Kmart Auto Centers became Penske Auto Centers anyway. I think our Super Kmarts had auto centers, but I actually can't remember for sure now!

    I can't say I know much about the fishing scene in Fresno, but from what I can remember about it from 1990, it didn't seem like the kind of place with many fishing opportunities! Then again, the Yosemite area isn't far, and probably other things, so maybe there are some good fishing areas there.

    I would ask if you're excited about Fresno State joining the new Pac-12 (or whatever they want to call it these days!), but then I'm not entirely sure why you'd even care about the Pac-12 these days! I guess they will have a couple of eastern Washington schools, but again, I'm not sure why you'd care about that! Well, anyway, hopefully they can keep it a western conference unlike some of these rather nonsensical conferences these days! Maybe they should make a rule saying that they'll only admit colleges where there is a Safeway/Vons/Pavilions nearby!

    1. I'll be the first to admit that I know next to nothing about Super Kmart, but I'm not seeing anywhere obvious where an auto center would have been here! Seems like the pictures I can find of Super Kmarts of this model don't show auto centers either.

      I don't even want to talk about the Pac-whatever! I'm quite disappointed with what happened there, and I'm not even someone who typically cares about sports.

    2. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 2, 2024 at 9:23 PM

      Huh, was this a later Super Kmart? From the era that they called them just Super Kmarts rather than Super Kmart Centers? If so, maybe it didn't have an auto center, but I know the older Super Kmarts (well, Super Kmart Centers) did generally have auto centers. Here's a Retail Retell photo of one! Link:

    3. I really don't know! If it was hidden behind the garden center like at that store, it would be right where this picture is, and there are no traces of that inside or outside.

    4. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 2, 2024 at 9:39 PM

      I don't know, it is possible there were garage doors behind that shipping container, but they were stucco'ed over. Then again, maybe not and this store never had an auto center. It is hard to tell!


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