Bergman's Secret

It's strange for me to be saying this, but Southcenter's Victoria's Secret has quite a nice facade -- I like the backlit glass panels. It reminds me quite a bit of the glass Bath & Body Works stores, and not just because these are both stores I would never set foot in or even get too close to! 😉 Across the aisle, Bergman stands out as one of the more outdated-looking inline tenants, but I'm glad they're still hanging on regardless.


  1. Ha, believe it or not, there was a time that people flocked to Victoria's Secret for things other than lingerie! Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when Victoria's Secret was a little bit of a classier operator, they became famous for playing classical music in their stores. They eventually started selling compilation CDs/cassettes of classical music and they turned out to be quite the hit! According to this 1993 article, they had already sold 5 million copies to that point. These albums are quite easy to find in the thrift stores if you're ever interested in sample some of Victoria Secret's most popular items, lol. Link:

    It is kind of funny that they sold so many recordings because classical music compilation CDs were hardly rare items in the early 1990s. A lot of supermarkets and drug stores were selling them in addition to more expected places, but I guess Victoria's Secret albums had a certain touch of class associated with them that the other 'regular' compilation albums didn't. Of course, as someone with around 800 classical CD albums in my collection, I don't have any need for Victoria Secret's compilations, but I remember seeing those so frequently in the thrifts!

    On a completely different note, a shameless plug note, be sure to check out Houston Historic Retail because my guest post about my local Grocery Palace Krogertsons Artisan renovation went up today. I'm sure there will be plenty of items of interest in there for a few of the regulars here!


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