Pillow bins

I complained about the ugly dump bins being out of place at Macy's, but over here at Sears... yeah, they're pretty much on brand for the Sears of today. The whole pillow section looks like it was brought in from a closed Kmart, but what else would you expect? Surprisingly, the mattress area still looks reasonably well-kept despite having been shoved in a random part of what was once a clothing area (when's the last time you saw a dedicated fitting room for mattresses? 😉).


  1. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 23, 2024 at 11:34 PM

    Ha, I've never seen fitting rooms in a mattress department before! When I think about my local Sears, the mattress department moved around a lot in the last few years before that store closed in 2020. Mattresses were in about two to three different spots in the rather small 2nd floor before moving downstairs into what used to be the electronics department. Sears made the electronics department look like a credible mattress department with the exception of all the outlets designed to be used with TV displays. Oh well, I guess it was still more credible than what is in the photo!

    At least the clothes randomly hanging from the wall looks like something someone might wear unlike this display of clothing caught by Je at the West Oaks Mall Sears in Houston before it closed in 2018! Link: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhVc0eXVBWNYOFCrRPCUnpeml2FinoyGPfa6V_bRixZTJK0l16P-PpAU6u7791gffUnz1SYthA20nssNvAw3RgJ7mWG4yaGwvlF3jAT6aYMRX6FTaggB65fT2CjO-Db_Uopsn_PchQ-HeE/s1600/20180110_140525.jpg

    1. Only at Sears! The part I can't understand here is why they even moved the mattress department, since the original one was still right there, not in the closed area!

      Yep, you've shown me that picture before -- again, only at Sears!


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