Mattresses matter so much to Sears that they don't sell them anymore

I'm not really sure where humidifiers are popular, but the Seattle area isn't one of those places -- the air here is normally too damp, not too dry! Dehumidifiers are the popular thing around here. But of course Sears had a whole display of off-brand humidifiers and humidifier accessories, mixed in with tool boxes and other odds and ends. Back in the day they probably would have had display-model appliances, but by the 2020s, the beat up boxes just get put on the shelves to fill up space.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 22, 2024 at 8:26 PM

    Ha, Je of the Louisiana & Texas Retail Blog caught the Pasadena Town Square Sears here in the Houston area, which was one of the last full-line Sears we had, selling a snow thrower in 2020! While it did snow here in 2021, it probably goes without saying that the demand for snow throwers here is almost nil!

    Having said that, I know there are people with nasal problems who do use humidifiers. That can be an issue for people who live in buildings with A/C even in humid climates. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if those humidifiers were sent to this store with no plan at all!

    1. Yeah, Sears definitely isn't known for selling products that make sense for their specific location or for the time of year! Snow throwers are just as unpopular here as in Texas, but they definitely used to sell them here too. (We only get more than a dusting of snow maybe once or twice a year on average.)

      I didn't even think about that -- since I've never lived somewhere with AC, that's never on my mind! Of course, the lack of AC around here only adds to my point about them not making sense locally...


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