Floral in front


It seems as if Safeway was already starting to move towards their standard layout at the time this store was built, judging by the floral department being in its standard place at the front corner of produce! This store has a neat curved soffit for the floral department, which is actually the main reason I was interested in this store -- the former east Port Angeles store had a very similar curved soffit that was left in place when it became the Dollar Store, and I long wondered what that was originally for, with something in the back of my head saying it was the former floral department. This store seems to confirm that I was right! As someone with very bad memory, it's always fun to find things that prove that my memories aren't always wrong. 🙂

I also quite like how Modern looks on this department, even without the typical uplighting. It's definitely better than the Lifestyle v2 version! Seriously, that looks even worse than the cheapest versions of Lifestyle v2 I've seen (excluding the printed-cardboard version), with all of the trim and even the arch completely missing.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 10, 2024 at 8:43 PM

    While the Modern signage probably does look better in this space than what they did in the Lifestyle version, I don't think the Lifestyle version looks that bad either. Yeah, it is kind of basic for Lifestyle, but I don't think putting an arch on an arch would have looked right either, lol, so I think they did they best they could with that. Anyway, this is a pretty decently sized floral department for a small store in what is presumably not a high-wealth area.

    1. Back in the day (even prior to the Lifestyle era), Safeway used to have nice floral departments in pretty much all of their stores, even the older/smaller ones like this one. Compared to other chains, Safeway always put a lot of emphasis on their floral departments, and they're still pretty good today despite the lack of staff (however, the pricing these days is a bit absurd, as with everything Safeway sells other than food).


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