Deli corner


This picture turned out frustratingly blurry, since I wanted to show the odd tile this deli has! Instead of replacing everything with Lifestyle's standard diamond tiles, it looks like Safeway left most of the wall tile in place and just installed a new beige accent stripe in the middle of the plain white tile. That isn't something I've seen very often (in fact, I think this is the only time I've seen it in this area) -- even in cheaper remodels and older stores, Safeway was very consistent about installing the full version of Lifestyle in every store and not leaving remnants (note, I'm specifically talking about the Seattle Division -- other divisions were far less consistent!).


  1. I'm not really sure -- none of the stores I visit regularly have Boar's Head. It's still pretty rare in the Seattle area (unlike some other divisions). I guess that's not a bad thing, considering everything that's going on right now!

    Wow, I don't think I've ever seen anyone (around here) buying stuff like that from Safeway! (Hawaii or California, maybe.) Seems like it would be easier to deflate it to fit it inside the car...

    Yikes, that's not good! I certainly wouldn't want to be anywhere around that collapsing bit of ceiling! Hopefully they'll get that all fixed quickly... Eggs being in a coffin case are weird, but not as weird as the shape of the boxes of butter in that picture! I once got butter from Kroger in a box like that (it was in the height of supply chain issues at a point when butter was one of the hard-to-find items around here -- I wonder what part of the country they ended up bringing that in from) and even the individual sticks are a different shape from what I'm used to. Butter around here comes in a flat, longer box. Even the name brands of butter are different shapes in that picture, which really surprises me!


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