Time for a clock

And of course I had to get a picture of the classic Safeway clock on the wall at the end of the meat alcove. As is typical, this one was not showing the correct time (I used to call these "fake clocks" because I never seem to find one that actually works, but supposedly at least some of them were actual working clocks at some point... I'm not entirely convinced); this one seems to be completely missing the minute hand so I can't even tell what time it was trying to display.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJuly 10, 2024 at 11:15 PM

    Ha, there is that old joke about a broken clock being correct twice a day. In this case, I guess this broken clock might be correct for two hours a day if it never moves! I know Retail Retell's comments about Kroger decor being made of foam so it is soft if it falls and lands on someone. I wonder if that same thought applies to Safeway's old clock hands!

    1. Ha, I guess -- and by that standard, it was actually close to being correct! 😃


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