Peering over the wall

A little bit of the old bakery was still visible over the top of the liquor shelving that had been repurposed as a temporary wall (at least it's a little less strange than the row of endcaps in the previous picture!). This really gives you a sense of how much space this store gave up, too -- everything you see here plus the entire area in the previous picture is no longer part of the salesfloor. A lot of the clearance products were cosmetics and health/beauty items, which has been a trend in recent Safeway resets -- not surprising, since their prices on those items are absurdly high compared to pretty much everywhere else, so I have no idea who actually buys this stuff at Safeway.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJuly 31, 2024 at 4:59 AM

    Those are a lot of clearance products! I know that when my local Randall's was getting Colorful Lifestyle v2, it did have more clearance products than normal. They even opened a clearance section at the front of the store. That said, the clearance offerings were still a fraction of what is in this picture alone!

    HBA items tend to be seriously overpriced at Randall's as well even compared to Kroger and it isn't like Kroger has a great reputation on HBA pricing. Sometimes they have digital coupons to make things more reasonable.

    1. My Safeway never used to have an obvious clearance shelf, but then shortly before they started the major reset last year, they suddenly brought out a bunch of displays full of clearance seasonal stuff from all sorts of seasons. I wonder how long that had been sitting in a stockroom somewhere! I definitely didn't see anywhere near this much clearance stuff on sale all at once, but it seemed like there was a nearly-infinite stock of it for months on end, especially once they started clearing out most of their household and health & beauty sections. And it seems like they still have a strangely large amount of clearance stuff nearly every time I go shopping -- not sure what the deal is with that!


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