
The dairy barn looks completely untouched from when Albertsons built it! I was quite happy to see that, since this is one of my favorite Grocery Palace features for the way that they brought so much design and detailing to what's normally an overlooked part of the store (compared to the service departments). This one has an almost identical design to Battle Ground, with haybales in the loft, though this one has stained rather than painted wood paneling. It's amazing how many different variations of Grocery Palace there were, and this may just be the most variable feature -- see the linked description. 

For a decor package that was mostly used in new-build stores where the decor designers should have had a lot more control than they would in remodels, it's just weird how little consistency there is. I've never visited a store with the remodel version of Grocery Palace -- I have to imagine it was even stranger!

(Great, now I have that Mother Mother song stuck in my head. My dad loves that band, and I just don't.)


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