The old dairy barn

Here's a close-up of that awesome barn! I love the attention to detail here, with the photorealistic sky in the background, the metal roofing on the barn and side awning, the rope coming out of the roof point thing, the very convincing faux haybales (at least I assume they aren't real haybales...) -- this really has to be the most impressive thing in an already rather impressive store! Interestingly, the dairy barn also seems to have some of the most variation between stores seen in this decor package, particularly the barn loft door which is sometimes closed, sometimes empty (and that whole barn looks different), sometimes has a cow in it... I haven't been able to dig up many pictures of this, so I'm not sure what the standard was (if there even was a standard), but I think I like this design the best!


  1. My old Grocery Palace Albertsons was yet another variation to this mystery: it didn't have the barn at all! The barn was the only major piece of Grocery Palace decor my store didn't get, with dairy instead being placed in a smaller, third alcove in the back corner behind frozen foods. However, most Grocery Palace Albertsons stores I've seen have between 20 and 22 aisles, but my store only had 18. I think it might not have been wide enough to get the barn.

    1. Yep, that's another version that I saw (Acme Style has pictures of a barn-less Grocery Palace store as well). Interesting to hear that your store was even smaller than this one -- normally it seems like Acmes and Florida Albertsons are larger stores so I was thinking that the size might be why this one didn't get the full Grocery Palace treatment, but who knows...


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