Looking forward

Despite the central location of the produce department, Safeway found a way to install a wall sign -- they put it above the front end! Or, well, they put it where you'd expect the front end to be, but here you have to go to a separate building for all of that. There are a few self checkouts under the sign, but they weren't in use when I was here. 

Chips and beer in the produce department is a new one for me...


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJune 15, 2024 at 8:22 PM

    Huh, I would totally expect a "Serving San Diego since..." sign there, but no, it is a 'Fresh from the fields' sign! Of course, as you say, that isn't really the front end so I guess it works...kind of, lol.

    My local Randall's has the liquor department right behind produce so beer and produce is hardly unprecedented here! I don't think they normally have chips there, but they do keep some of the shelled peanuts there. I guess that is close enough!

    1. Yep, this store really messes with everyone's expectations!

      Interesting! I'm used to the liquor section being by the deli and bakery, which is the opposite side of the store from produce. This store's liquor section is also nowhere near produce, but I guess someone decided to make the entire store the liquor section!


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