Inverted north pole

This building has another suspended fingerpost sign, with pretty much the same stuff as before -- except for a mysterious "north pole" plaque at the top, pointing out into the courtyard. This is a bit of a mystery to say the least, and the only thing I can guess is that perhaps it was added for a holiday thing one year, probably pretty close to when this store was built, and just never removed (likely for well over a decade at this point). The details (border, font size, etc.) don't quite match so I'm guessing it wasn't made at the same time as the rest of the signs, but I can't imagine anyone would bother replicating it as well as they did if much time had passed from the original installation.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJune 22, 2024 at 9:39 PM

    Huh, candy canes for Mother's Day! It is hard to say if that sign has been around since the store opened. Maybe they used to take it down at the appropriate time, but then somewhere along the way, perhaps post-Covid, the employees just gave up on keeping that signage up-to-date. Of course, knowing Safeway, I wouldn't be surprised if that has been up since 2009 or whenever this store opened, lol.

    1. Yeah, I'm guessing it was intended to be something that would be installed and removed seasonally, but I have to wonder if they ever removed it after it was first installed! Since these signs are unique to this store, the holiday-themed one would be too, so I could definitely see it getting forgotten about, especially if there was a management change or something.


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